Jenna Rose Clark

For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawn to create. My first creative love was music. I’ve been singing since I could speak and playing various instruments for most of my life. This love has taken me across the world as I have performed in six countries and in many states across the U.S.

Photography is what led me into visual arts and communication. I wanted to be a photojournalist for a while, but I found a passion for design on the first day of my senior year of high school (big thanks to Ms. Butcher + Ignite DDP).

This led me to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Communication (GrC), the study of how we convey meaning through visual design. I am drawn to the balance between the creative and technical, how both are fundamental to creating effective products and design. I spent 3.5 years studying GrC at Cal Poly in sunny San Luis Obispo, California. SLO is not only one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, but it just so happens to be considered the happiest place in America according to Oprah (I know, I thought it was Disneyland too).

I have worked in a variety of creative roles, but no matter the job, my goal is to bring people together through effective design and communication. I hope we can chat more soon:)

Fun Facts

  1. I love fun facts haha! Really though, my two most common sentence starters are “fun fact” and “funny story”. I did hear a comedian say once that it’s not up to you to decide if the fact is funny, but rather it’s up to the listener to decide…but my facts are always fun to me and that’s why I share them:)

  2. My middle name is Rose after my grandpa who passed away before I was born. He bought my grandma a rose bush for every birthday and/or anniversary which has led to an abundance of roses in her backyard. If I were to ever get a tattoo, it would be a rose with their wedding anniversary to honor them.

  3. I share a hometown with Walmart, and yes, nearly everything in the town is either Walmart themed or owned.

  4. My husband and I are high school sweethearts<3 He is truly my best friend and my biggest supporter.

  5. My hidden talent is playing Guitar Hero (and also juggling).

  6. Okay last one I promise. I am featured on a few songs available on Spotify! You’ll have to find them for yourself though.